“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

– Albert Einstein


We wish to inject fresh thinking regarding opportunities, as well as challenges, the industry faces today. We are looking to make the research process a rewarding experience.


Charles Darwin said “A scientific man ought to have no wishes, no affections — a mere heart of stone.” We encourage practical research that unites the best of industry and academia.

  • Factor Timing Model Ronald Hua, Dmitri Kantsyrev, and Edward Qian, The Journal of Portfolio Management, Vol. 39, Fall 2012
  • Quantitative Equity Portfolio Management: Modern Techniques and Applications Eric Sorensen, Ronald Hua, and Edward Qian, 2007
  • Aspects of Constrained Long-Short Equity Portfolios Eric Sorensen, Ronald Hua, Edward Qian, The Journal of Portfolio Management, Vol. 33, Winter 2007
  • Information Horizon, Portfolio Turnover, and Optimal Alpha Models Edward Qian, Eric Sorensen, and Ronald Hua, and, The Journal of Portfolio Management, Vol. 34, Fall 2007
  • Contextual Fundamentals, Models and Active Management Eric Sorensen, Ronald Hua, and Edward Qian, The Journal of Portfolio Management, Vol. 31, Fall 2005
  • Multiple Alpha Sources and Active Management Eric Sorensen, Edward Qian, Robert Schoen, and Ronald Hua, The Journal of Portfolio Management, Vol. 30, Winter 2004
  • Active Risk and Information Ratio Edward Qian and Ronald Hua, The Journal of Investment Management, Vol. 2, No 3, 2004


Qtron is excited to announce that it has been recognized as a Top Gun manager having been included in the Zephyr PSN Top Guns list as of the quarter ending March 31, 2024! Qtron’s Emerging Markets Strategy has achieved the prestigious 6-star award, which was awarded on May 21st, ranking it in the top 10 out of 291 strategies in the Emerging Markets universe based upon criteria over a five-year period1. This highlights our continued dedication to excellence in investment management.

The recognition by Zephyr PSN reaffirms Qtron’s commitment to outperform peers and seek attractive risk-adjusted returns for its investors through its research-driven approach and established portfolio management. The Zephyr PSN Top Guns list is a highly regarded ranking that seeks to identify the best-performing managers across a range of universes and products using set criteria2. For the awards and rankings referenced herein, no compensation was paid by Qtron to participate in this rankings or awards3.

We are proud of our team’s hard work and dedication, and we look forward to continuing our commitment to provide product and client service excellence for global investors.

For more details or inquiries, please feel free to reach out to us at marketing@qtroninvestments.com.


1Emerging Markets Equity Universe Count: 149 Firms and 291 Products. Only firms that submitted PSN questionnaires to Zephyr were eligible for awards.

2Criteria Used for the 6-Star Rating/Award:

  • Peer groups are created using information from the PSN investment manager questionnaire.
  • Only gross of fee returns are used in the evaluation.
  • Managers must claim GIPS compliance.
  • Products must have an R-Squared of 0.80 or greater relative to the style benchmark over the recent five-year period.
  • Products must have returns greater than the style benchmark for the three latest three-year rolling periods.
  • Selected products must have a standard deviation for the five-year period equal to or less than the median standard deviation for the peer group.
  • The top ten information ratios for the latest five-year period determine the Top Guns.

3While Qtron did not pay to participate in these rankings or awards, it did pay the award sponsor a licensing fee for use of the “Top Guns Award” logo on its website.

Past performance is not indicative of future results. Qtron makes no representation that the objectives of its trading strategies will be realized or that profits will be achieved or that losses will not be incurred. Investments in securities involve risk. The specific links to Zephyr are being provided for informational purposes only to reference the sources of certain information reflected herein and should not be construed that Qtron is endorsing the services, content or views presented therein nor that Qtron has independently verified such services, information or content.

Qtron is excited to announce it was ranked as the top emerging manager among consultants in eVestment’s quarterly brand awareness scoring in Q2 2022! The Firm was one of only seven emerging managers to also be ranked in the top 20 in brand awareness among asset owners in Q2 2022 and Q3 2022, ranking #12 and #18 , respectively, according to eVestment’s brand awareness scoring.1 With the Firm’s growth the last six years, its research-first orientation to portfolio management, and its exemplary operations, we are proud to hear these rankings reaffirm Qtron’s ability to develop interest among sophisticated investors!  

1 Rankings are based upon brand awareness scores that are calculated by eVestment, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nasdaq, Inc., according to proprietary methodology that tracks the viewership by consultants and asset owners of firms reporting into eVestment’s database. Other than reporting its data into eVestment’s database, Qtron is not affiliated with eVestment, is not involved in calculating the scores used in the rankings, and does not compensate eVestment in connection with inclusion in the database or rankings. The rankings for Q2 2022 and Q3 2022, were released by eVestment in July 2022 and October 2022, respectively.

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

As the month of May 2019 marked Qtron’s three-year anniversary, we are excited about the future. Thank you for your support and for embracing us. We thank our staff as they strive for excellence, and accomplish the best for our clients. Now let us share with you some of our milestones. We now have about $480 million in assets under management (AUM) across four strategies and eight accounts. We are grateful for the support and trust from the early allocators that partnered with us. The majority of flows have been granted to our emerging markets and global equity strategies; our global small cap and Europe small cap strategies have been approved on multiple platforms. Although we believe our AUM is a notable achievement, our goal in launching Qtron is to create a unique firm with long-term partnerships. Our focus is always on innovation and investment results. To help achieve our goal, we are pleased that Mr. Ding Ding, Dr. Clare Sun, and Mr. Jake Walker joined Qtron in 2018. We are excited to work again with Clare and Ding. Jake came highly recommended from a hedge fund in Boston. Their passion, creativity, and ethic of hard work fit seamlessly with our culture.
  • Mr. Ding Ding joined as Chief Technology Officer to lead us for vast data analysis. He brings over twenty years’ experience, with a distinguished career in data infrastructures that improve the speed of data collection, quantitative research, and trading.
  • Dr. Clare Sun joined as a Senior Quantitative Analyst to assist with alpha research and model building. She brings extensive experience developing quantitative models for global and emerging markets strategies.
  • Mr. Jake Walker joined as Operations Manager. He brings over ten years’ experience developing investment software and accounting systems designed to ensure robust back-and middle-office operations and enhance risk management.
This has been a dramatic three years at Qtron: our firm’s AUM is approaching $500 million,—which to us is an important landmark. Our total headcount has grown to eight and we are in the process of adding three more professionals. We are grateful to have been entrusted to serve you and be working alongside a wonderful group of people. Qtron has never been only about us: it is all about the goal of outperformance for our clients in a transparent and cost-efficient manner. We are strategically reinvesting in the company and adding resources to maintain the competitive advantage of our investment management services, strength in back-and-middle-office operations, and excellence in client service. Our long-term plan remains to stay boutique and nimble, technologically advanced, and scientifically thoughtful. Thank you for your support and investment in Qtron. It is a privilege to embark on this journey with you. Thank you for inspiring us to do better and to be better. We always appreciate your time, ideas, and partnership. Let us continue onto the next exciting chapter together.